RedBeanPHP generates a sane and readable database schema for you. Here are the schema conventions used by RedBeanPHP:
Field names: | Lowercase a-z, 0-9 and underscore (_) |
Table name: | Should match bean type, a-z, 0-9 |
Primary key: | Each table should have a primary key named 'id' (int, auto-incr) |
Foreign key: | Format: <TYPE>_id |
Link table: | Format: <TYPE1>_<TYPE2> sorted alphabetically |
Be careful with underscores; they are used for linking tables and foreign keys. It's safe to use underscores in property names, but try not to use them in type names/tables.
To obtain the name of the table of a bean:
$bean = R::dispense('book');
$beanTable = $bean->getMeta('type');
To get all the columns in this table:
$fields = R::inspect('book');
To get all tables:
$listOfTables = R::inspect();
In RedBeanPHP 3.4 and earlier use R::$writer->getTables() and R::writer->getColumns($type).
RedBeanPHP Easy ORM for PHP © 2025 Gabor de Mooij and the RedBeanPHP community - Licensed New BSD/GPLv2