By default RedBeanPHP operates in fluid mode. In fluid mode the database schema gets updated to meet the requirements of your code. For instance, if you assign a string to a property that previously only contained numbers RedBeanPHP will broaden the column to store strings as well. This is great for development. However because inspecting the database is slow and you don't want such a dynamic schema on the production server you should freeze the database by invoking the R::freeze(true) command before deployment. This will lock the schema to prevent further modifications.
R::freeze( true ); //will freeze redbeanphp
Between freezing and deployment you need to review the database schema to make sure it fits the bill. Here is a simple checklist:
Instead of freezing all beans you can freeze certain bean types only:
R::freeze( array('book','page') );
//book,page tables remain untouched.
this we call 'Chill Mode'.
Chill Mode has been added in version 3.2
Next: finding stuff with RedBeanPHP is really easy. RedBeanPHP uses familiar SQL to search for beans in the database.
RedBeanPHP Easy ORM for PHP © 2025 Gabor de Mooij and the RedBeanPHP community - Licensed New BSD/GPLv2