Another way to use many-to-many relations is to use the R::associate() function. This function takes two beans and associates them. To get all beans related to a certain bean you can use its counterpart R::related().
R::associate( $book, $page );
R::related( $page, 'book' );
R::relatedOne( $page, 'book'); //just the first bean
To break the association between the two:
R::unassociate( $book, $page );
To unassociate all related beans:
R::clearRelations( $book, 'page' );
From version 3.3 on you can use multiple beans with (un)associate, like this: R::associate($wines, $barrels);
To find out whether two specific beans are related, use the R::areRelated() function.
R::areRelated( $husband, $wife );
This function returns TRUE if the two beans have been associated using a many-to-many relation (associate) and FALSE otherwise.
With the Association API it's possible to include some SQL in your relational query:
R::related( $album, 'track', ' length > ? ', array($seconds) );
Extended Many-to-many relations are deprecated as of RedBeanPHP 3.4.
As of RedBeanPHP 3.4 you really don't need this functionality anymore. Instead use the
intermediate bean notation.
An extended association is a many-to-many association with some extra information.
JSON is also allowed:
Or just a string:
R::associate($track,$album,'2'); //stored in property 'extra'
To load a association link:
$keys = R::$extAssocManager->related($album,'track');
Note that you almost never need extended associations at all. In most cases an intermediate bean is better. For instance, imagine a project bean and a person bean. You want to connect a person to a project so maybe you think:
But then you realize you need to specify a role as well. It's tempting to switch to an extended association now, however this is not a good idea. What you are really looking at is an intermediate bean. Don't try to obscure this bean in a relation. In this case we have to differentiate between a person and a participant.
$participant->person = $person;
$participant->role = 'developer';
$project->ownParticipant[] = $participant;
This approach has several advantages; you can easily add more information to the participant bean:
$participant->leader = true;
You can model the fact that participants can be represented by multiple persons (for instance if someone gets ill):
$participant->person = $replace;
...and it's also easy to find out how frequently someone is participating in projects:
$activities = $person->ownParticipant;
It would be cumbersome hide all this in a link table by using extended associations.
Here is my rule of thumb: if you need to qualify a relationship you probably need to use an intermediate bean.
RedBeanPHP Easy ORM for PHP © 2025 Gabor de Mooij and the RedBeanPHP community - Licensed New BSD/GPLv2