RedBeanPHP allows you to use good old SQL to find beans:
$pages = R::find('page',' title = ? ',
array( $title )
The result of a find operation is an array of beans; the IDs are used as keys. Find takes 3 arguments; the type of bean you are looking for, the SQL query and an array containing the values to be used for the question marks. Named slots are supported as well:
$pages = R::find('page',
' title = :title LIMIT :limit',
':limit' => $limit,
':title' => $title
...and so are IN-clauses:
$all = R::find('page',
' id IN ('.R::genSlots($ids).') ', $ids);
If you don't use any conditions but you just want to ORDER or LIMIT result rows, use findAll():
$all = R::findAll('page',
' ORDER BY title LIMIT 2 ');
To find just one bean; use findOne():
$prod = R::findOne('product',
' code = ? ',array($code));
findOne returns the first bean in the result set. Use findLast() to get the last bean.
You can only bind literal values. This will not work: "ORDER BY :sortcolumn DESC" - because the parameter refers to a column, NOT a literal.
If no beans are found, find() and findAll() return an empty array, findOne(), findFirst() and findLast() return NULL.
There is no need to use mysql_real_escape, just bind the parameters to the slots in the query. Never use PHP variables directly in your SQL string!
RedBeanPHP Easy ORM for PHP © 2025 Gabor de Mooij and the RedBeanPHP community - Licensed New BSD/GPLv2