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If you are new to RedBeanPHP but you have been working with relational databases in the past you might be a bit confused with the terminology in RedBeanPHP. Here is a little 'cheatsheet' mapping relational terms to RedBeanPHP terms. You might find this useful.

RelationRedBeanPHP method
one-to-one R::loadMulti('author,bio', 1)[1]
one-to-many $author->ownBook[] = $book
many-to-one $book->author = $author
many-to-many $book->sharedCategory[] = $category
one-to-many self-referential$category->ownCategory = $category
many-to-many self-referential$category->sharedCategory = $category
one-to-X $book->fetchAs('author')->coauthor = $coAuthor;
X-to-one $author->alias('coauthor')->ownBook;
many-to-many + properties$book->link('category_book', array('location'=>'2nd floor'))->category = $category[2]
polymorph $eBook = $book->poly('media_type')->media[3]
1This is a very uncommon relation. You can also use One-to-many plus a unique constraint for this.
2You can also rename this association and use access shared lists using via() (3.5+).
3Kind of defeats the purpose of a relational database though because you cannot use foreign keys now.

While RedBeanPHP is perfectly capable of managing almost any kind of relationship, I recommend to keep things simple. Most of the time the basic relations like one-to-many, many-to-one, self-referential relations and many-to-many will do. Sometimes I use one-to-X and X-to-one (aliasing). Personally I never use one-to-one or polymorph, these are extremely uncommon.


RedBeanPHP Easy ORM for PHP © 2025 Gabor de Mooij and the RedBeanPHP community - Licensed New BSD/GPLv2