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Dependency Injection

RedBeanPHP 3.2 and higher supports Dependency Injection. Dependency Injection is a way to keep your models free from dependencies, reducing coupling. Here is how DI works in RedBeanPHP:

class Dependency_Coffee {}
Dependency_Cocoa {}

//The model that needs these things
class Model_Geek extends RedBean_SimpleModel {
    public function 
setCoffee(Dependency_Coffee $coffee) {
$this->coffee $coffee;
    public function 
setCocoa(Dependency_Cocoa $cocoa) {
$this->cocoa $cocoa;
    public function 
getCoffee() {
same for cocoa..

First, we need to tell RedBeanPHP we would like to use DI. RedBeanPHP ships with a very decent injector which can be extended if necessary:

= new RedBean_DependencyInjector;
RedBean_ModelHelper::setDependencyInjector$di );

Now, add the services to your injector:

->addDependency('Coffee',new Dependency_Coffee);
$di->addDependency('Cocoa',new Dependency_Cocoa);

That's all. Let's get our caffeinated geek!

$coffee $geek->getCoffee(); //returns the coffee

This is how dependency injection in RedBeanPHP 3.2 and higher works. If you need even more flexibility you can override the getModelForBean( $bean ) method in the Bean Helper, this method returns the model for the bean. Here you can bootstrap your own dependency injector. In this method you can call RedBean_ModelHelper::factory($modelName) to obtain a model (and it's dependencies).


RedBeanPHP Easy ORM for PHP © 2025 Gabor de Mooij and the RedBeanPHP community - Licensed New BSD/GPLv2