$toolbox : \RedBeanPHP\ToolBox
Label Maker.
Makes so-called label beans. A label is a bean with only an id, type and name property. Labels can be used to create simple entities like categories, tags or enums. This service class provides convenience methods to deal with this kind of beans.
$toolbox : \RedBeanPHP\ToolBox
__construct(\RedBeanPHP\ToolBox $toolbox)
\RedBeanPHP\ToolBox | $toolbox |
dispenseLabels(string $type, array $labels) : array
A label is a bean with only an id, type and name property.
This function will dispense beans for all entries in the array. The values of the array will be assigned to the name property of each individual bean.
$people = R::dispenseLabels( 'person', [ 'Santa', 'Claus' ] );
string | $type | type of beans you would like to have |
array | $labels | list of labels, names for each bean |
gatherLabels(array $beans) : array
Gathers labels from beans. This function loops through the beans, collects the value of the name property for each individual bean and stores the names in a new array. The array then gets sorted using the default sort function of PHP (sort).
$o1->name = 'hamburger';
$o2->name = 'pizza';
implode( ',', R::gatherLabels( [ $o1, $o2 ] ) ); //hamburger,pizza
Note that the return value is an array of strings, not beans.
array | $beans | list of beans to loop through |
enum(string $enum) : array|\RedBeanPHP\OODBBean
Fetches an ENUM from the database and creates it if necessary.
An ENUM has the following format:
If you pass 'ENUM' only, this method will return an array of its values:
implode( ',', R::gatherLabels( R::enum( 'flavour' ) ) ) //'BANANA,MOCCA'
If you pass 'ENUM:VALUE' this method will return the specified enum bean and create it in the database if it does not exist yet:
$bananaFlavour = R::enum( 'flavour:banana' );
So you can use this method to set an ENUM value in a bean:
$shake->flavour = R::enum( 'flavour:banana' );
the property flavour now contains the enum bean, a parent bean. In the database, flavour_id will point to the flavour record with name 'banana'.
string | $enum | ENUM specification for label |