The Power ORM


Querying the database manually is also possible with RedBeanPHP. You can use the SQL query functions provided by RedBeanPHP. To execute a query:

    R::exec'UPDATE page SET title="test" WHERE id = 1' );

To get a multidimensional array:

    R::getAll'SELECT * FROM page' );

The result of such a query will be a multidimensional array:

0] => Array
id] => 1
[title] => frontpage
[text] => hello

Note that you can use parameter bindings as well:

    R::getAll'SELECT * FROM page WHERE title = :title',
':title' => 'home']

To fetch a single row:

    R::getRow'SELECT * FROM page WHERE title LIKE ? LIMIT 1',
'%Jazz%' ]

To fetch a single column:

    R::getCol'SELECT title FROM page' );

And finally, a single cell...

    R::getCell'SELECT title FROM page LIMIT 1' );

To get an associative array with a specified key and value column use:

    R::getAssoc'SELECT id, title FROM page' );

In this case, the keys will be the IDs and the values will be the titles. getAssocRow will return complete rows.

For dynamic queries use R::getWriter()->esc() & R::getPDO()->quote()

    $pdo R::getPDO();
$writer R::getWriter();
$table 'page';
$value 'unsafe_string';
$result R::getRow('SELECT * FROM '.$writer->esc($table).' WHERE '.$writer->esc($table).'.title = '$pdo->quote($value).' LIMIT 1' ,[]);

In my examples, I like to use the short array notation.
In PHP < 5.4 you'll have to use the classic array notation:

array( 'key' => 'value' ).

Get the insert ID (4.2+)

To get the ID after an insert in MySQL/MariaDB compatible databases use:

    R::exec'INSERT INTO ... ' );
$id R::getInsertID();

Converting records to beans

You can convert rows to beans using the convertToBeans() function:

    $sql 'SELECT author.* FROM author
        JOIN club WHERE = 7 '
$rows R::getAll$sql );
$authors R::convertToBeans'author'$rows );

As of version 4.3.2 you can also use: R::convertToBean, without the s, for single rows.

Find from SQL (5.6+)

As of version 5.6, you can create beans from an SQL in one go, using the additional Facade convenience method findFromSQL.
Usage (Postgres dialect):

    $books R::findFromSQL('book',"
        SELECT *, count(*) OVER() AS total FROM book WHERE
         genre = ? ORDER BY title ASC OFFSET 
{$from} LIMIT {$to} 
, [ $bindings ],  [ 'total' ]);
$book  reset($books);
$total $book->info('total');

This style of querying might be handy for finding beans along with pagination data to paginate results properly (in this case the OVER-clause only works with Postgres). You can use the info() method on a bean to access the meta data.

There is no need to use mysql_real_escape as long as you use parameter binding.

Besides querying you can also use other database functionality (like transactions) in RedBeanPHP. Learn more about database functions.

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RedBeanPHP, the power ORM for PHP since 2009.

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