Welcome to the Download page of RedBeanPHP. Here you can download various editions of
RedBeanPHP ships as a single, all-in-one tarball, that's all you need to
get started with RedBeanPHP. Simply extract the tgz file to the
destination folder and include the
rb.php file in your PHP script.
For a list of new features, fixes and changes in the latest version, please consult the
Did you check the system requirements?
Download RedBeanPHP 5.7.X LTS recommended
The latest stable version of RedBeanPHP.
If you're new to RedBeanPHP this is the recommended version to use.
After downloading and extracting the file and
include the rb-file in your PHP
- Download RedBeanPHP 5 all-drivers
- Download RedBeanPHP 5 mysql
- Download RedBeanPHP 5 postgres
- Download RedBeanPHP 5 sqlite
...also see the changelog for details!
Verify your download
Here are the sha256sum outputs of the files:
97cce13fabb960ba0e4567127c97d08995ad9362d28d0feb70c448f3095f3939 RedBeanPHP5_7_4-mysql.tgz e1697f54d3e14455dab912443f2e34a0073add9f64bcfd65a2efa45f4fc1ade1 RedBeanPHP5_7_4-postgres.tgz 81d9c63127ff6bdbcfd69e34758ae19e38f1340d2ef9713ad5169654ee87e3d5 RedBeanPHP5_7_4-sqlite.tgz 0e8042aa2735e67283f5cb4c9e3d1ec6d87c9be4c9c37f73a6a6caa0ede52458 RedBeanPHP5_7_4.tgz signify key: untrusted comment: signify public key RWSEPjwPrf4jAtahiV/HNXWz83QYsppKn0EzVOhsoVV24gwB6mGpsdXL
Always make sure you check the sha256sum before including the file. Also make sure to check the signature!
Check RedBeanPHP Signature
Copy my public Signify-key from the above output and store it in a file called To download and check the RedBeanPHP Signature in one go, use:
$ curl -L | signify -Vz -p ./ -t arc | tar xvzf -RedBeanPHP packages are signed using the OpenBSD Signify software (Linux version, macos version, Windows version).
If you use PHP 5.3.3 or older, run the P533 patch first. Download the P533-patch for old PHP versions.
Old versions
It's still possible to download older versions of RedBeanPHP from the
Download Archives.
Feel free to visit the download archives and find
one of the previous versions of RedBeanPHP.
I no longer answer questions regarding RedBeanPHP 4 and older.
These versions have been deprecated since January 2021.
back to main menu
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RedBeanPHP Easy ORM for PHP © 2025 Gabor de Mooij
( and the RedBeanPHP community
(credits) - Licensed New BSD/GPLv2 -
RedBeanPHP Archives
RedBeanPHP, the power ORM for PHP since 2009.
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