The Power ORM

Labels, Enums, Tags

Labels, Enums and Tags are all based on very simple beans. These beans only have an id, a type and a name. While they might look simple, these beans can offer various powerful services in your applications. Labels form the basis for enums and tags. Enums are in fact labels in a one-to-many relation while Tags are labels in a many-to-many relation.


A Label is a bean with just a name property. You can generate a batch of labels of a certain type using:

    $labels R::dispenseLabels'meals', ['pizza''pasta'] );

This will create two meal objects. Each bean will have a name property that corresponds to one of the strings in array.

You can also collect the strings from label beans using:

    $array R::gatherLabels$meals );

The gatherLabels() function returns an alphabetically sorted array of strings each containing one name property of a bean in the bean list provided.


An enum type is a special bean that enables for a property to be a set of predefined values. To use an ENUM:

    $tea->flavour R::enum'flavour:english' );

The ENUM method will do a lot of work here. First it checks whether there exists a 'flavour' bean with the name 'ENGLISH'. If this is the case, enum() will return this bean, otherwise it will create such a bean, store it in the database and return it. This way your ENUMs are created on the fly - properly. To compare an enum value:

    $tea->flavour->equalsR::enum'flavour:english' ) );

To get a list of all flavours, just omit the value part:

    $flavours R::enum'flavour' );

To get a comma separated list of flavours you might want to combine this method with other Label Maker methods:

    implode','R::gatherLabelsR::enum'flavour' ) ) );

Since RedBeanPHP enums are beans you can add other properties as well. To query using an enum:

    $flowers R::find'flower'' color_id = ? ', [ R::enum'color:red' )->id ] );

The find query above will retrieve all red flowers. While this query is perfectly readable the syntax is a bit clunky, therefore there is a shorthand notation for the R::enum(...)->id part:

    $flowers R::find'flower'' color_id = ? ', [ EID('color:red') ] );

The global function EID() returns the ID of the given ENUM directly.


Tags are often used to categorize or group items. To tag a an item:

    R::tag$page, array( 'topsecret''mi6' ) );

To fetch all tags attached to a certain bean we use the same method but without the tag parameter:

    $tags R::tag$page ); //returns array with tags

To untag an item use:

    R::untag$bean$tagListArray );

To get all beans that have been tagged with $tags, use tagged():

    R::tagged$beanType$tagList );

To find out whether beans have been tagged with specific tags, use hasTag():

    R::hasTag$bean$tags$all FALSE )

To add tags without removing the old ones:

    R::addTags$page, ['funny''hilarious'] );

To get beans that have ALL these tags:

    //must be tagged with both tags
R::taggedAll$page, ['funny''hilarious'] );

As of version 5.3:
To just count tags use: R::countTagged() and R::countTaggedAll(). Same parameters.

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